Vredendal, Koekenaap, Klawer, Van Rhynsdorp

These are the areas that Macaw covers.

Lutzville area has been under Surinda Smit (Lutzville Diere) for a good couple of years now.

This morning I am very emotional and sad.… I have members of Macaw who need food for the furkids in their areas and the truth is we are just not getting enough food coming in. Please know that the animals we give food to are REALLY animals who need our help.

It is terrible for me to have to tell a member we simply have no food.

We get help from the Angel Project and we are super greatful……but it is simply not enough.

We understand that times are tough…..but 1 little bag of food or 1 little tin of food can make such a difference.

Please support our Trolley Project or feel free to contact myself - 0764830061 or Waffie 0829274979
Vredendal, Koekenaap, Klawer, Van Rhynsdorp These are the areas that Macaw covers. Lutzville area has been under Surinda Smit (Lutzville Diere) for a good couple of years now. This morning I am very emotional and sad.… I have members of Macaw who need food for the furkids in their areas and the truth is we are just not getting enough food coming in. Please know that the animals we give food to are REALLY animals who need our help. It is terrible for me to have to tell a member we simply have no food. We get help from the Angel Project and we are super greatful……but it is simply not enough. We understand that times are tough…..but 1 little bag of food or 1 little tin of food can make such a difference. Please support our Trolley Project or feel free to contact myself - 0764830061 or Waffie 0829274979
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