• Dear users

    We evaluate our systems on a 24/7 basis and review every report sent to us, to ensure you get the best online experience.

    If you receive any messages from any account that you think might be some spammer, then feel free to talk to us.

    Let us know and we will review that persons account immediately and if required, block them off the system.

    We are here to create an platform for real people and real entrepreneurs / business owners.

    Unlike Facebook who just sends automated robot responses, we actually use real humans to review and handle all Administrative decisions.

    Dear users We evaluate our systems on a 24/7 basis and review every report sent to us, to ensure you get the best online experience. If you receive any messages from any account that you think might be some spammer, then feel free to talk to us. Let us know and we will review that persons account immediately and if required, block them off the system. We are here to create an platform for real people and real entrepreneurs / business owners. Unlike Facebook who just sends automated robot responses, we actually use real humans to review and handle all Administrative decisions. #StopSpamAccounts #BetterSocialNetwork #ecosa
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